Meet the team!

Sustar Woodworks has had an amazing year and continues to grow because of our clients. With this expansion, we’ve gained a few team members to make it all happen. Take a moment to meet some cute babies, two brothers, a Guinness man and a student intern!


Ian is Sustar Woodworks owner! Ian is a civil engineer turned furniture maker. He likes the challenge of growing a business and creating special pieces for his customers. If he’s not at the shop listening to John Prine you can find him outside skiing, biking, or sailing. He also likes to spend time chillin’ with his twin sons James and William.



Next up, Carl! Carl is Ian’s little brother and helps around the shop doing whatever Ian tells him. Carl is an computer engineering student at Marquette University and is on the cheer team. He likes working at Sustar Woodworks because he gets to spend time with his big brother and learn all his woodworking wisdom. In his free time Carl enjoys WWII reenactment, Scottish and Ukrainian dancing, and mowing the lawn with his shirt off when he thinks people are watching.



Mike helps us part time. He specifically does the fabrication of our custom metal table legs and machinery maintenance. Mike has 40 years in technical sales and customer service in the automation industry. Mike likes to help out the team to take a break from his day job and have a creative outlet. He spends his weekend rebuilding and restoring vintage farm tractors.



Last but not least, Sophia! Sophia is our marketing intern. She is a journalism, advertising, and media studies student at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. She likes using her creativity to develop materials for our business. Sophia is excited to be learning how marketing works at an organization first hand. If she’s not at our shop or doing homework she likes to go to music festivals and play Animal Crossing.
